Ongoing project
2024 – 2028
Public; EU Horizon Europe
Scientific Manager
Stremble is the Scientific Manager with responsibility for quality and impact of all clinical, technical and scientific outcomes of the project. Our key role is in the oversight of 13 clinical and pilot studies under the COMFORTAGE workplan.
- Scientific Manager
- Oversight of 13 pilot studies
- Leader of 2 project tasks
- Leader of a study on Inclusion and Exclusion criteria for dementia and frailty
The rapidly ageing of the European population is a major challenge for EU society and economy, as ageing drives increasing rates of chronic illness, mental health conditions, disability and frailty resulting in high individual and social costs.
COMFORTAGE aims to develop holistic and integrated healthcare models to foster personalized dementia and frailty preventions and interventions promoting individuals’ physical and mental health. Expert clinical expertise from consortium partners will be leveraged for the design of personalised preventions and interventions as part of an integrated care model that builds upon existing studies and evidence-based approaches to combine clinical expertise, behavioural science, and civil society aspects fostering effective lifestyle changes that enhance individuals mental and physical health, wellbeing, and Quality of Life.
COMFORTAGE will facilitate care services providers to design and deploy personalized, integrated care prevention and intervention measures against dementia and frailty towards significantly and evidently improving the individuals’ wellbeing and QoL. In addition, it will provide the means and tools for the empowerment and enhancement of all stakeholders’ health and digital literacy to further reduce health inequalities in modern communities and to support healthy and active age-living. In that context, the project’s framework will be validated and evaluated in thirteen (13) pilot studies involving diverse stakeholders at eight (8) EU member states and will be empowered by a unique combination and integration of: (i) Medical/clinical innovations, (ii) Cutting edge AI innovations (iii) Digital Innovation Hubs (iv) social innovations for promoting innovative views and cocreating new or improved solutions for assistance and improvement of social integration and interaction.